I believe that this life is a constant journey of unravelling and unfurling. I believe that we are meant to do it with others by our side. Sharing lessons, witnessing & mirroring, learning and unlearning. As human beings we are meant to connect. Not only to ourselves and to each other but also to the Land, Spirits, Plants and Animals. I am committed to deepening my connection each day and my souls work is to help weave this connection into the lives of others.
Our Earth Mother and the plants around us have endless gifts to share with us if we take the time to look & listen. If we soften into our hearts, our bodies and the elements which surround us, we will have all that we need. Love & Wisdom flow through the Winds & the Waters. Earth carries us each day as the smoke from a fire can cleanse away all that no longer serves us.
Guided by the Spirit of a Willow Tree, she brings hope & a sense of belonging. I feel her strength, adaptability and nurturing essence while I’m encouraged to feel into the depths of my emotional realms. I have felt deeply connected to her energies since my Father made me a walking stick with her bark as a young girl. Her spirit weaves through me in all of my offerings and it is my intention to share her medicine of bringing harmony, flow, expression, connection, growth & love.